The medicine abounds to increase sales.? From the little pills of blogs to the intravenous medications of intense sales training to the therapy treatment offered by sales coaches, there appears to be plenty of sick sales people and sales ill organizations not to mention desperate business leadership.

Some in sales management and sales leadership appear to view all this medicine as a means to get immortality in sales, to become immune from the ups and downs within the business cycle.
Now this may sound strange coming from someone who has offered medicine to increase sales through:
- Sales training coaching solutions
Possibly my approach to the inability to increase sales is a little different because I believe it starts from within each person and is not as dependent upon specific sales skills such as:
- Asking the right open ended questions in the fact finding
- Turning stalls into sales objections
- Improving sales management
Additionally, I look to other factors outside the individual salesperson or sales department such as misalignment between business strategies, structure, processes, rewards and people.
My belief? is the medicine for increase sales actually starts within each person. Until those who sell for a living (hint that means everyone) recognize they have for the most part the answer to what ails them, they will continue to be pocket poor. One cannot sell or lead others until he or she learns to lead himself or herself first.
Also I truly do not believe in the magic quick fix or medicine sought by many organizations.? Reversing the trend of downward sales, high sales people turnover, high customer turnover cannot happen in a one day to even 5 days sales training coaching program.
Those types of solutions are not sustainable and only deplete the resources of the organization and all individuals within that business. The only people it (take a pill) sustains are those providing the medicine to increase sales.
This problem or more likely problems took months to create and to expect it to be cured almost overnight is ludicrous at best.? Of course, there will always be those sales training coaching or even marketing experts that will assure you their solutions are the medicine you need for what ails you or your firm.
Possibly it is time to bring some common sense back into the discussion within sales management while appreciating the human element.? People buy from people.? When we as sales people including those in sales leadership recognize their emotions (emotional intelligence) and understand their value perception, then possibly we will increase sales.
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