Google celebrates the 46th anniversary of 'Star Trek' on Saturday. (Google / September 7, 2012) |
By Patrick Kevin Day September 7, 2012, 1:45 p.m.
Google homepage doodle is forever changing to mark various anniversaries, holidays or great moments in history. And today, it's a tribute to "Star Trek."
It was 46 years ago Saturday that "Star Trek" first premiered on NBC. The series ran for just three seasons, to 1969.
The interactive doodle reduces the "Star Trek" experience to three key moments. There's the crew assembled on the bridge of the Enterprise, the away team in the ship's transporter room, and the crew on the surface of an alien planet, complete with unpleasent alien creature and an unhappy fate for the red-shirted crewman.
Along the way there are little references to fans of the original series, including a locker filled with Tribbles and an appearance by a modified version of the Gorn.
This month also marks the 25th anniversay of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," which began its run in syndication in 1987.
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shareDiv.innerHTML = templateHTML;
/* append the new div to the end of the document, which is hidden already with CSS */
/* Store the div in both a regular JavaScript variable and as a jQuery object so we can reference them faster later */
var shareTip = document.getElementById('shareTip'),
$shareTip = $('#shareTip');
/* This extends our settings object with any user-defined settings passed to the function and returns the jQuery object shareTip
was called on */
return this.each(function() {
if (options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
/* This is a hack to make sure the shareTip always fades back to 100% opacity */
var checkOpacity = function (){
if ( $shareTip.css('opacity') !== 1 ){
$shareTip.css({'opacity': 1});
/* Function that replaces the HTML in the shareTip with the template we defined at the top */
/* It will wipe/reset the links on the social media buttons each time the function is called */
var removeLinks = function (){
shareTip.innerHTML = templateHTML;
/* This is the function that makes the links for the Tweet / Share functionality */
var makeURLS = function (link, message){
/* Here we construct the Tweet URL using an array, with values passed to the function */
var tweetConstruct = [
'http://twitter.com/share?url=', link, '&text=', message, '&via=', settings.twitter_account
/* Then join the array into one chunk of HTML */
tweetURL = tweetConstruct.join(''),
/* Same story for Facebook */
fbConstruct = [
'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=', link, '&src=sp'
fbURL = fbConstruct.join(''),
newHTML = [
'' ], shareHTML = newHTML.join(''); /* Load in our new HTML */ shareTip.innerHTML = shareHTML; }; /* Since the shareTip will automatically fade out when the user mouses out of an element */ /* we have to specifically tell the shareTip we want it to stay put when the user mouses over it */ /* This effectively gives the user a 500 ms (or whatever) window to mouse */ /* from the element to the shareTip to prevent it from popping out */ $shareTip.hover(function(){ $shareTip.stop(true, true); $shareTip.show(); checkOpacity(); }, function(){ $(this).fadeOut(settings.speed); }); /* This function handles the hover action */ $(this).hover(function(){ /* remove the old links, so someone doesn't accidentally click on them */ removeLinks(); /* If there's already an animation running on the shareTip, stop it */ $shareTip.stop(true, true); var eso = $(this), message, /* Store the width and height of the shareTip and the offset of the element for our calculations */ height = eso.height(), width = eso.width(), offset = eso.offset(), link; link = eso.children('a').attr('href'); message = escape( eso.find('img').attr('alt') ) || eso.attr(settings.message_attr); if (link.search('http://') === -1){ link = 'http://www.latimes.com' + link; } link = encodeURIComponent(link); /* If it's at the top of the page, the shareTip will pop under the element */ if (offset.top
Source: http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/entertainment/~3/8lRKlwOWzdY/la-et-st-google-doodle-salutes-the-46th-anniversary-of-star-trek-20120907,0,4813658.story
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